How To Delete Trust Wallet Account On iPhone [Safest Method]

How To Delete Trust Wallet Account On iPhone

Leaving the crypto business and want to know how to delete Trust wallet account on iPhone? Trust Wallet is the easiest-to-use crypto wallet; you can create accounts in minutes and start receiving funds immediately. Unlike crypto exchanges, they don’t stress you out with all that KYC stuff. Same with deleting your account if you no longer find a use for it. 


Here we will be showing you how to delete Trust Wallet account on your iPhone. Trust us, it’s very easy.

How To Delete Trust Wallet Account On iPhone: simple steps

Though it’s possible to delete your trust wallet account, deleting your wallet doesn’t mean your crypto, wallet address, or transaction history will be gone with it completely.

First, Trust Wallet is a non-custodial wallet, and then it’s the blockchain we are talking about here. When you delete your wallet, you are only getting it off your phone for a while; recovery is possible.


Follow these steps on how to delete Trust Wallet account on iPhone:

  • Open the TrustWallet app on your iPhone. On the interface, tap the bottom-right setting icon
  • Select wallets to see your wallets
  • Choose the wallet you want to delete and tap on the three dots next to it
  • Tap the delete icon at the top-right corner of your screen. A prompt will appear asking you if you are sure you want to delete the wallet and have backed up your wallet
  • Click OK to delete.

Follow these same steps on how to delete Trust Wallet account on an iPhone for Android devices.

What happens when I delete my Trust Wallet account?


As we’ve said, you can’t possibly delete your wallets permanently since the system is decentralized. However, you can lose access or even your funds if you fail to back up your wallet with a recovery phrase.

If you just want to take a break and not leave crypto permanently, it’s best to set a recovery phrase. Failure to do that before deleting your wallet automatically means you will lose access to it permanently. It may also mean that you will lose your cryptos permanently if there are any of them on the wallet.

Can I recover my deleted Trust Wallet account on my iPhone?

Yes. Your wallet, once created, is for life. By deleting, you are only restricting your access. Your wallet can be recovered even in the years to come after you delete it. 

Cryptocurrency details and accounts are stored on the blockchain network and cannot be permanently deleted. Inasmuch as you have your recovery phase set. You can reinstall and gain access back with your recovery phase.

Can I move my crypto and NFT from my Trust wallet to MetaMusk?

If you want to leave TrustWallet, perhaps it’s because you don’t find the service enjoyable anymore. You can move your cryptos and NFTs to other wallets like MetaMusk, Luna, or Binance. Just sending to your MetaMusk or Binance wallet address will do just that. Then you can proceed to delete or uninstall TrustWallet on your phone. It’s much safer, actually.

Bottom line 

Trust wallet allows you to transact cryptos and NFTs without requiring special verification. The same way, it allows you to delete your account if you want to. 

Deleting your account on any crypto wallet doesn’t mean you’ve deleted it permanently, that’s not possible because everything is operating under blockchain technology. But you might lose access permanently if you fail to back up during the recovery phase. So if you might be coming back to TrustWallet in the future, doing that will save you a lot. 

If you found this article on how to delete Trust wallet account on iPhone helpful, you will find this article on how to delete Trust wallet account permanently helpful. Visit again for more useful updates.

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